Odds and Ends

We’ve arrived in Italy… Venice to be specific. What a weird city. Houses standing on several hundred year old wooden stilts, streets that are barely passable and college students covered in flour and eggs. We’ve encountered many strange and odd (and cute) things while on our travels so far and these are the ones that I… Continue reading Odds and Ends

Castles and Schneeballen. Mmm Schneeballen.

Staying true to Jami travelling form, I am sick. What had started off as an annoying cough has turned into an awesome full-blown head cold. Add in some jet lag and you have one zombified Jami. Nevertheless, we have continued our ventures through Germany and will be crossing the border into Austria in the next… Continue reading Castles and Schneeballen. Mmm Schneeballen.

RC Boat Test Drive

With great anticipation my first RC Boat purchase got its inaugural run. Although the speed was not quite as fast as I hoped for there is potential for amusement. Wakeboarding G.I. JOE and obstacle courses may be in the near future. The nice thing about having at $40 boat instead of a $400 one will… Continue reading RC Boat Test Drive